Forbes Africa #30Under30 List: Leading The Charge
As 2020 ushers in a new decade and a new set of daunting challenges for the world – climate change, the coronavirus – it’s all the more imperative that the world’s youngest continent rises to the crises and sees opportunities where there seem to be none. These are the men and women forging ahead with credible, creative and profound strategies to shape our tomorrow.
Celebrating six years of the FORBES AFRICA 30 Under 30 list, they are the continent’s revolutionary thinkers revitalizing ideas and industries with fresh business models and innovative leadership.
5 Entrepreneurs Who Started With Nothing - and 3 Lessons to Learn
It's not uncommon to hear about entrepreneurs who used the wealth they made from a previous endeavor to build a thriving new startup, or about seasoned business owners who took over a decades-old franchise and transformed it into something new.
These stories are inspiring in their own way; but to me, it's even more inspiring to hear about people who started with nothing.
11 Entrepreneurs Stories - Inspiring People That Found Startup Success
Successful startup founders are often hailed as superhuman, but the reality is they’re regular people like you and I.
Well, maybe not exactly like you and I…
Given the unusual lifestyle of an entrepreneur, and that so many are fueled by the promise of wild riches, it comes as no surprise that many startup founders share inspiring stories about overcoming adversity.
We scoured the web for business success stories fraught with eccentric leaders, personal struggles, and uncommon lifestyles to find out how these innovators translated their life experiences into startup gold.
5 Ways to Be More Strategic and Successful in 2021
The impact of 2020 will stay with us for the rest of our lives. It marks a critical inflection point of before and after. It is a year that blindsided many small-business owners.
We’ve seen new businesses birthed with success and others thriving amid chaos. We’ve seen neighborhood classics tragically lost, and others that struggle to survive day-to-day.
Critical points like these thrust every business owner from acting with strategic intention to reacting to curveballs. As we greet 2021, most businesses are settling into one of three camps:
Thriving, but not trusting the success
Surviving but hesitant to make bold moves
Struggling and feeling battered, bruised and disillusioned
No matter which camp you fall into, you likely are eyeing 2021 with caution. You’re optimistic but timid in your approach to making those big visionary goals you’ve made in the past. You may even find it hard to dream of a better future because it feels so out of touch with what is happening globally. You are not alone in those feelings.

Snapscan | Mobile Payments
SnapScan is an app that lets you pay with your phone in a snap. Once you've downloaded the app and added your card information, you can use your phone to scan a SnapCode (unique QR code) to pay in a variety of places.
SnapScan is a super quick and easy way for customers to pay in their favourite stores. No need for cash, cards, or time-consuming EFTs. Your staff can spend less time processing payments and more time helping your customers and making sales. It's the smart, simple, and safe way to get paid in a snap.
swiftVEE, the South African agri-tech startup, successfully raised a US$1.5 million in funding. Their plans are to expand into Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe and to expand its platform. The startup hopes to expand its use of AI.
The investment comes from Subtropico, an unlisted private company in the food industry.
According to Disrupt Africa, swiftVEE uses artificial intelligence (AI) to match buyers and sellers of livestock globally. They help buyers acquire livestock at the most optimal times. The startup has 125,000 farmers in its network.
On its website visitors can view live online auctions and buy and sell livestock.

Books help us in so many ways to succeed as an entrepreneur. They can be a source of inspiration, develop skills, and provide tips and business strategies. They can help us to become successful by providing the right knowledge, new ways of thinking, new insights and help us to develop necessary skills.
One Piece of Content Can Change Your Life | GaryVee
Today’s episode is a keynote that I did on Freightwave TV, where we deep-dive into all things storytelling and branding. We discuss why you only need one person to see your content for it to totally change your life as well as why authenticity is crucial to good brandbuilding. Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

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Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:30 - 16:30
Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:30 - 16:30
Monday - Friday 11:00 - 18:30
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:30 - 16:30